weighing and pensive
March 8 – 29, 2014
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 8, 2014, 2:00 – 5:00 pm
Charles Baudelaire once described sculpture as ‘something you trip on when you step back to look at a painting.’ While this may have been a claim about a certain hierarchy of representation, the idea inspires questions about the productive interruption of codes of looking, contemplative space, and the spatial and temporal complexities of an encounter with works and their sites of display. As part of Gallery TPWs One Image commissioning series, Bojana Stancic’s weighing and pensive is rooted in a consideration of such an encounter, setting the stage through a conversation between an image and what that image represents, in this instance, an object. Creating the mise-en-scène of the gallery, Stancic’s installation charges the space with a performative analytic potential, impacting the ways one might establish contemplative distance.