Reflections on Transparency

Benjamin de Boer and Sophia Oppel
Image and text work presented in the context of MOVEMENTS, an online and site-specific program that reflects on both the intimate scale of the body as it shifts through time and space, within transient gestures and encounters, and organized actions that provoke vital, unsettling change.
Image and text work presented in the context of MOVEMENTS, an online and site-specific program that reflects on both the intimate scale of the body as it shifts through time and space, within transient gestures and encounters, and organized actions that provoke vital, unsettling change.
Mga balakid sa bukang liwayway (obstacles at dawn)

Patrick Cruz
Mga balakid sa bukang liwayway (obstacles at dawn) is a collection of three video works that attempts to unpack the contradictions and nuances of being a settler-immigrant, a participant and observer of our late capitalist system and as an artist living and working in a climate of drastic change.
Mga balakid sa bukang liwayway (obstacles at dawn) is a collection of three video works that attempts to unpack the contradictions and nuances of being a settler-immigrant, a participant and observer of our late capitalist system and as an artist living and working in a climate of drastic change.
The Hourglass

Shannon Garden-Smith
Text and web-based image project presented in the context of MOVEMENTS, an online and site-specific program that reflects on both the intimate scale of the body as it shifts through time and space, within transient gestures and encounters, and organized actions that provoke vital, unsettling change.
Text and web-based image project presented in the context of MOVEMENTS, an online and site-specific program that reflects on both the intimate scale of the body as it shifts through time and space, within transient gestures and encounters, and organized actions that provoke vital, unsettling change.
The Border Guards Were Friendly

Camille Rojas and Sofia Mesa
Video work presented in the context of MOVEMENTS, an online and site-specific program that reflects on both the intimate scale of the body as it shifts through time and space, within transient gestures and encounters, and organized actions that provoke vital, unsettling change.
Video work presented in the context of MOVEMENTS, an online and site-specific program that reflects on both the intimate scale of the body as it shifts through time and space, within transient gestures and encounters, and organized actions that provoke vital, unsettling change.