
Gallery TPW is a leading artist-run centre dedicated to exhibiting underrepresented artistic and curatorial practices that push the boundaries of lens-based work.


We Champion Artist-Led Advocacy

We believe there is a real and sustained need to fight for the rights of artists, to protect creative freedoms and to draw attention to longstanding inequalities.

We Disrupt Systemic Barriers

We are committed to creating an anti-oppressive environment and working with historically underrepresented artists and curators.

We Experiment Fearlessly

We take risks, we embrace failure and we provide artists with an opportunity to test out groundbreaking ideas. The image is an open-ended starting point for the artists we collaborate with to embark on cross-disciplinary explorations.

We Lead On Critical Issues

The global and local issues that most urgently need our attention are conversations that will always find a home at Gallery TPW.

We Embrace Change

We are flexible by design, as rotating curatorial positions enable us to continually bring in fresh perspectives and new ways of working.

We Are A Good Neighbour

We strive to build authentic and grassroots relationships with those who need us most to better serve the local arts community.

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