Wha Happened?
Thursday, January 10 to Saturday, February 9, 2008
Opening reception:
Thursday January 10, 2008, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Collaborative duo Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins present Wha Happened?, an exhibition that weaves a chaotic patchwork from signs and symbols of mass media politics, popular culture, and contemporary art and design history. Here Marman and Borins present a disordered world of ideas where no belief system has primacy. The installation combines sculpture conceived from mass media photographic references with interactive electronic art, video and graphic projects. Creating both a scrap book and new lexicon, Marman and Borins unabashedly appropriate and recombine the popular memory of images, taking viewers from the terror fables of Bin Laden and the Munich Olympics, to the dance floor with Michael Jackson, to a contemporary pieta with ET and Yoda.