Clara Gutsche, Les Soeurs Adoratrices du Precieux-Sang, Nicolet, 1995
Robert Burley | Robin Collyer | Clara Gutsche | Adam Harrison | Roger LeMoyneAbout The Artist
Photographed inside the rarified environments of convents in Quebec, Clara Gutsche’s Convent Series offers a striking view of the cloistered lives of nuns in their private spaces. Of particular interest is the unexpected normalcy of their activities, such as playing badminton or cards. The image chosen for this collection has not previously been exhibited.
Clara Gutsche’s photographic works have been widely exhibited and are included in notable private collections as well as public collections, such as the Canadian Centre for Architecture, the Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography, the National Gallery of Canada, the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec and the National Archives of Canada.
Website: http://claragutsche.com/