Research / Conversations
hi how are you

Writer in Residence:
Tiziana La Malia
Gallery TPW Writer in residence Tiziana La Melia’s hi how are you adapts the format of an in-flight travel magazine as a model for building a narrative out of episodic reportage. La Melia asks reader to picture her “scribbling the answers in sky-high hovering movement with images from a birds eye point of view, crackling long distance phone calls to Nadia Belerique and Bojana Stancic”
Notes on Back to School:
A Conversation About Making an Open Classroom Happen

Art educator and writer Amber Yared responds to Vesna Krstich’s curatorial residency, Back to School, a series of workshops, screenings, lectures, events and conversations focused on alternative pedagogy. In this post Yared sits down with choreographer Ame Henderson to speak about Henderson and Krstich’s co-facilitated workshop, “Making an Open Classroom Happen”.
Notes on Back to School:
An Institution Is a Thing Made of People and An Institution Is a Thing Made of Space

Art educator and writer Amber Yared responds to Vesna Krstich’s curatorial residency, Back to School, a series of workshops, screenings, lectures, events and conversations focused on alternative pedagogy. In this post Yared reflects on the assumed rigidity of institutionalized education and pedagogic power dynamics in response to a public Skype conversation with Jakob Jakobsen.
Notes on Back to School:
Zmijewski’s Choices

Art educator and writer Amber Yared responds to Vesna Krstich’s curatorial residency, Back to School, a series of workshops, screenings, lectures, events and conversations focused on alternative pedagogy. In this post Yared examines ideas of destruction and creation, non-verbal compliance and crappiness in Artur Zmijewski’s Choices .
Notes on Back to School:
A Partial Re-enactment

Art educator and writer Amber Yared responds to Vesna Krstich’s curatorial residency, Back to School, a series of workshops, screenings, lectures, events and conversations focused on alternative pedagogy. In this post Yared examines practices of re-enactment and reinvention.
Wanting Images:
What does a landscape want?
On illumination as a hermeneutics of looking

Writer and scholar Sara Matthews contributes a series of blog posts to TPW R&D Online. Entitled Wanting Images, the series explores the relation between art, pedagogy and desire. Taking the form of a conversation with various images, visual projects and curatorial strategies, the intent is to explore the notion of what constitutes a pedagogical encounter in looking and to consider the methodological dilemmas raised by such provocations. In this post Matthews explores relationships between power, landscape, human subjectivity and technology while looking at Andrew Wright’s “Illuminated Landscapes.”