Coming to Encounter
Coming to Encounter
Looked-at Looking
Desiring Images
Not Knowing and No Looking

Posted on May 15, 2013
In response to the first three meetings of No Looking After the Internet, part of the “Coming to Encounter” curatorial residency at Gallery TPW R&D, writer Alison Cooley reflects on the ways that curatorial decision-making, artistic authorship and the group’s shifting social dynamics shape the practice of collective looking.
In response to the first three meetings of No Looking After the Internet, part of the “Coming to Encounter” curatorial residency at Gallery TPW R&D, writer Alison Cooley reflects on the ways that curatorial decision-making, artistic authorship and the group’s shifting social dynamics shape the practice of collective looking.
Thinking About No Looking
Coming to Encounter
Unshowable Photographs Discussion
Coming to Encounter
Coming to Encounter

Blog post #2 - Open curatorial studio: Unshowable Photographs
As a follow up to the first event in the “Coming to Encounter” series, I’ll be spending the next two weeks in the Gallery TPW R&D space, testing out how to transform the questions that the panel discussion about "Unshowable Photographs" raised into an experimental gallery exhibition.
As a follow up to the first event in the “Coming to Encounter” series, I’ll be spending the next two weeks in the Gallery TPW R&D space, testing out how to transform the questions that the panel discussion about "Unshowable Photographs" raised into an experimental gallery exhibition.